Spring into Excellence Simmental Sale – CANCELED
Due to circumstances beyond our control–the Livestock Evaluation Center being shut down to the public– the Spring Into Excellence Sale has been cancelled. We will be back next year better than ever!!!
Also, watch for the Pa Fall Classic Sale, Oct 24, 2020, Waynesburg,Pa.
Friday, March 27, 2020
Sale Manager: Classic Sales, Chris and Kellee Brown, WV (304-290-8383)
Auctioneer: Col. John L. Spiker, WV
Livestock Evaluation Center, Pennsylvania Furnace, PA
Animals may arrive Wednesday, March 25th and must be in place by 2:00 p.m. Thursday.
For printed catalog, please contact the sale manager!

Can’t make the sale? Bid from home with Cowbuyer.com’s real-time internet bidding service! Registration is required. Please register at least one hour prior to sale time. High-speed internet is required. Apple and Android users can download the Cowbuyer App to utilize mobile bidding
Livestock Evaluation Center, Pennsylvania Furnace, PA
1494 W Pine Grove Rd Pennsylvania Furnace, PA 16865